Welcome to Merry-Go-Banana
1. Pictures of Products on this site may not correspond exactly to Product description. In such case the written description of the Product is relied upon. The Customer shall not be entitled to return a Product on the basis that it does not correspond exactly to its on-line picture.
2. Merry Go Banana shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that orders are correctly fulfilled and shall deal with any discrepancies in the following manner, provided they are reported within three days of delivery via phone call at 21110475 . If any Product proves to have been delivered in a damaged condition, omitted in the delivery, or if the wrong Product is delivered, Merry Go Banana shall either refund to the Customer the Price of that Product, or replace the Product. If any Product which was not included in the Customer’s order is delivered to the Customer by mistake, Merry Go Banana reserves the right to collect the wrong Product delivered. If the Customer has been charged for a Product which has not been delivered, Merry Go Banana shall refund to the Customer the Price of that Product as originally charged to the Customer. If a Customer is charged more than the Price of a Product, Merry Go Banana shall refund to the Customer the difference. Merry Go Banana will not refund or exchange goods or rectify discrepancies 3 days after delivery.
3. Merry Go Banana’s liability to any Product delivered is limited to refund or replacement specified above. All other remedies are excluded.
1. 在本網站展示的產品的影像可能會與產品説明並不完全一致,只供參考。顧客無權基於產品與其網上影像並非完全一致而要求退回產品。。
2. Merrygobanana會盡合理努力,以確保會正確滿足有關訂單,如出現任何誤差,將按下列方式處理,惟顧客須於送貨或取貨後三日内透過以下方式作出通知:致電(電話 2111 0475)。 倘若證實產品在送貨或取貨時有損壞情況、送貨或取貨時遺漏或送遞的產品錯誤,Merrygobanana會向客戶退回該產品的價格或替換該產品。倘若任何並非包括在訂單内的產品錯誤送遞予顧客,Merrygobanana保留權利收回錯誤送遞的產品。倘若顧客被收取並無包括在送貨或取貨產品内的產品價格,Merrygobanana會向顧客退回原來收取的該產品的價格。倘若顧客就任何產品被多收價格,Merrygobanana會將差額退回予顧客。Merrygobanana不會在送貨或取貨3日後就任何產品或誤差作出任何退款、更換或更正。
3. Merrygobanana就任何送遞或提供取貨的產品須承擔的責任僅限於上文所述的退款或更換,但不包括任何其他補償。"